The New Rules of Marketing #3: Social Media

The evolution of communication and information dissemination in recent decades has been revolutionary, transforming the way individuals, communities, and businesses interact with the world. In the past, traditional media channels such as broadcast radio and TV served as the gatekeepers of information, controlled by large corporations and powerful entities. These organizations held the authority to shape public narratives, deciding what the masses should see and hear. However, the advent of the internet and, more significantly, the rise of social media platforms have dramatically altered this landscape.

Over the past two decades, social media has emerged as a powerful force that has democratized information dissemination. Unlike traditional media outlets, social media platforms empower individuals and small businesses alike, allowing them to create and share their own messages without the need for approval from media gatekeepers. This shift in power dynamics has given ordinary people, activists, and marginalized communities a platform to voice their opinions, share their stories, and advocate for change. Not only that, but it has also allowed small businesses to thrive and grow potentially larger than they could have just 30 years ago.

Small businesses, in particular, have benefited significantly from the rise of social media. In the past to advertise they would have to hire someone to pass out flyers or buy large advertising campaigns in their local community, with just an effective website and a Facebook page a small business can reach thousands if not millions of potential customers at very little cost to them. According to the Small Business Administration, 99.9% of American businesses are small, employing 46.4% of private sector jobs. And, 62.7% of new jobs created since 1995 have been at small businesses. 

It’s not just reaching potential customers to generate your initial sales, but social media now plays an important role in customer support after a purchase is made. Companies large and small utilize platforms like X (Formerly Twitter) to address customer concerns directly where they are. People are already using social media platforms and sharing their thoughts, and when they can get support with their purchases from where they already are, that just will make their experience that much better when they do have a problem, they can easily and quickly get support for it from the company. Airlines in particular have been fairly active on platforms like X and can support customers. I’ve been able to @mention an airline in the past and within a few minutes I got a reply and was messaging with a representative and they were able to fix my problem very easily, no waiting on hold on the phone or playing email tag with a rep to get my issue fixed over hours or days, it was fixed in minutes. Until recently, even Apple offered support on X and other social media platforms. 

The advent of social media has also given rise to new professions, social media influencers, and content creators. They have been impactful in reshaping the way that information is consumed. People are more likely to trust recommendations and opinions from individuals they follow on social media, creating new avenues for shaping public opinion. Brands, organizations, and even governments have recognized the influence of social media personalities, leading to collaborations and partnerships that bridge the gap between traditional advertising and authentic, relatable content. Marques Brownlee (@MKBHD) and Justine Ezarik (@iJustine) on YouTube have huge followings and are known for their reviews and commentary on the goings on in technology products and news related to Apple. The trust placed in these influencers by their followers has opened up innovative channels for shaping public opinion, bridging the gap between traditional advertising and genuine, relatable content. 

Figures like them exemplify the power of social media personalities, whose authentic voices and expertise have garnered immense followings. Their ability to build trust over time through thoughtful reviews and commentary highlights the potential for social media to influence and inform, shaping a future where credible voices, regardless of their origins, hold significant sway in the ever-evolving digital landscape. As we move forward, understanding the impact of these influencers and their role in shaping public discourse will be crucial in navigating the complexities of our interconnected world.

In conclusion, the rise of social media has not only democratized the business landscape, enabling small businesses to thrive amidst fierce competition but has also revolutionized various aspects of society. These platforms have empowered entrepreneurs by providing them with new opportunities to showcase their products and services, fostering creativity, innovation, and economic growth. Simultaneously, social media has become a powerful force in shaping public opinion, influencing political outcomes, and fostering meaningful connections among individuals and communities. As we continue to navigate this rapidly evolving landscape, it is essential to remain cognizant of the impact of social media on our society. Exploring its role in empowering individuals and contributing to societal changes becomes crucial in understanding the complexities of this digital revolution, not just in marketing and business contexts but in societal contexts as well. We can gain valuable insights into the transformative power of social media in shaping the future of communication, business, and society as a whole when we take a moment to think about how much has changed, and how much change may be to come. 



