The Beginning of New iPhone Season

I’ve gone back and forth over the last few months trying to decide if after 3 years it’s time for a new iPhone. However, a week away from when the new one launches, I am leaning towards buying a new one. I’m excited to try Apple Intelligence, and a new iPhone is the device that has the strongest argument of being upgraded that I currently own. My army of Mac and iPad devices still serve my needs, and a successor has not yet emerged that makes a strong enough case for me to upgrade to.

The argument in favor of upgrading a Mac or iPad device upgrading my iPhone is text editing. When I’m writing papers and emails for school, having a powerful, in-line editor that is not intrusive would be incredibly useful. I spend far more time writing and doing email on these devices than I do on my iPhone. But I do not mind (right now) continuing to use my current tools.

My iPhone however, is where I use Siri most of the time, and it is where I manage my notifications from. The notification summaries are another major feature I am looking forward to using and having available to me.

We’ll know this time next week what I’ve decided, but until then, we’ll continue to sail into the fog of the future.

Thoughts/Feedback are welcome on Threads!