About Me


My name is Matt Kowalski, allow me to introduce myself. I am the Assignment Assistant at RIT Housing, and also completing my MBA at Saunders College of Business. I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems with a minor in American Sign Language and Deaf Culture from Rochester Institute of Technology.

One thing I pride myself on is my dedication to completing my responsibilities and tasks in front of me. I recognize when something is important and I strive to put my best effort into creating the best product can. I am empowered to do that at RIT Housing because of the great team around me and the trust that they have in me.

Outside of work and school, I am deeply interested in how technology changes over time and how we use it. I have a particular interest in Apple as that is what I primarily use in my personal life. I do keep track of the larger technological landscape because of its interest to me but also because it is an industry has impacts further beyond itself.

Cars have also long held interest to me, and this topic fascinates me on all levels. From the engineering behind how cars function to the business of automakers and the social impacts that cars have had on everything they touch. I don’t claim to know all there is to know about cars, but that is exactly what has held my interest in them for this many years, I am always able to find a new area of the topic to explore and learn more about. With the industry shift towards electrification and automation, there is ever more to see in this sector.

Thank you for taking the time to read a little about me.

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